Friday, April 14, 2006

First bike ride of the season

Today I took my first bike ride of the Spring. It was such a beautiful day here today. It had to be close to 70 degrees. Sunny, partly cloudy, but the nice poofy clouds that make for good photographs. I rode up to campus and had lunch with Jim. We walked to this pizza place and sat outside. It was great.

I'm working on making a new book. It's a journal. I hope it turns out like I want it to. I really love bookmaking. I know the more I do it the better I'll get at it. I've included a photo of a photo album I made a few months ago. I'm still experimenting with binding techniques and which ones I prefer.

Today is only Friday! So fantastic! I've still got 2 days left in my weekend! Hope they are as nice as today.

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