Sunday, December 20, 2009


I was the tooth fairy for Halloween this year. In order to make my costume look more "fairy-ish" I cut the petticoat from my wedding dress to fit under the tooth fairy dress. This left me with a TON of tulle and no idea what to do with it. My co-worker and friend, Kendra suggested I make tutus for my nieces for Christmas. Mmmm, great idea! So, that is exactly what I did. Below are a few picks of the finished pieces. We also got the girls shirts and tights at Target to complete the look. Hopefully they'll have some fun dressing up and dancing around in them.

If you're not up for trying to craft your own tutu, you should order one from my friend Kendra. You can find her on line HERE or in my links under "Crafty, Artsy Friends." Hers are way cuter than mine.

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